Fresh or onions and shallots
HS code:
070310 - Fresh or onions and shallots
→ Nutrition facts:
Amount: National onions association per one medium onion (150 grams).
Calories 45 gm , fat 0% , cholesterol 0 %, carbs 11 gm , dietary fiber 3 gm , sugar 9 gm , protein 1 gm , Vitamin A3 gm , V.B6 0.2 mg and Vitamin C 11.8 mg.
→ Health Line:
- High in vitamins C: onions are a good source of dietary fiber and folic acid.
- Onions also contain calcium, iron and have a high protein quality.
- Onions are low in sodium and contain no fat.
- Onions contain quercetin, a flavonoid (one category of antioxidant compounds).
- Onions contain organosulfur compounds that may offer unique health benefits.
→ Packaging:
- Mesh bags 10 Kgs, 15 Kgs & 25 Kgs on pallets, jumbo bags 1250 Kgs, 1350 Kgs & 1400 Kgs on pallets.
→ Season:
- February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October.
→ Sizes:
- 40-60 mm, 60-80 mm, 80-100 mm, 50-70 mm, 70-90 mm or as customers' requirement.
→ Verities:
- Red onions, Yellow Onions and White Onions.