Our Products

Fresh potatoes

Fresh potatoes

HS code:

070190 - Fresh potatoes

Nutrition facts:

One medium baked potato (6.1 ounces or 173 grams):

Calories: 161, Fat: 0.2 grams, Protein: 4.3 grams, Carbs: 36.6 grams, Fiber: 3.8 grams, Vitamin C: 28% of the reference daily intake (RDI), Vitamin B6: 27% of the RDI.

→ Health Line:

-          Contain Antioxidants

-          May Improve Blood Sugar Control

-          May Improve Digestive Health

-          Naturally Gluten-Free

-          Incredibly Filling


→ Packaging:

-          10 Kgs & 25 Kgs on pallets, jumbo bags 1000 Kgs, 1250 KGS & 1350 Kgs on pallets.

-          As per customer’s request.

→ Season:

-          Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, and Jun.

-          Export for winter crop season start from middle of January till middle April.
Export for summer crop season start from first of May till middle of June.

→ Sizes:

-          40-60 mm, 60+ mm, 45+ mm, 50+ mm or as our customers' requirements.

→ Verities:

-          Yukon Gold, Varieties Spunta, Mondial, Bellini & Sagitta.