Our Products

Sweet potatoes, fresh

Sweet potatoes, fresh

HS code:

071420 - Sweet potatoes, fresh

Nutrition facts:

The nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw sweet potatoes are:

Calories: 180, Carbs: 41.4 grams, Protein: 4 grams, Fat: 0.3 grams, Fiber: 6.6 grams, Vitamin A: 769% of the Daily Value (DV), Vitamin C: 65% of the DV and Vitamin B6: 29% of the DV.

→ Health Line:

-          Promote Gut Health.

-          Reduced oxidative damage and cancer risk

-          Support Healthy Vision.

-          May Enhance Brain Function.

-          May Support Your Immune System.

-          Prevention of vitamin A deficiency.

-          Improved blood sugar regulation.


→ Packaging:

-          Carton 3 Kgs, 4 Kgs & 6 Kgs on pallets, bins box 500 Kgs or as our customers' requirements.

→ Season:

-          All seasons.

→ Sizes:

-          Small 80 gr to 150 gr, Medium 150 gr to 300 gr, Large1 300 gr to 450 gr, Large2 450 gr to 600 gr & X-Large 600 gr to 800 gr.

→ Verities:

-          Boly Guard.