Our Products



Marjoram Origanum majorana L.

Marjoram commonly known as sweet marjoram has been used for variety of diseases in traditional and folklore medicines, including:

  • Gastrointestinal
  • Ocular
  • Nasopharyngeal
  • Respiratory,
  • Cardiac
  • Rheumatologic and neurological disorders.

Essential oil containing monoterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes as well as phenolic compounds is chemical constituents isolated and detected in O majorana.

Wide range of pharmacological activities


ý Antioxidant

ý Hepatoprotective

ý Anti-platelet

ý Cardioprotective

ý Gastroprotective

ý Antibacterial

ý Antifungal

ý Antiprotozoal

ý Antiatherosclerosis

ý Anti-inflammatory

ý Antimetastatic

ý Antitumor

ý A-nticholinesterase inhibitory